Email Job Details
Use these instructions to email information about a Job Order to each Candidate within the selected search result(s).
1) Click the Searching tab on the main navigation tab bar and select the Saved Results link.
2) After selecting Saved Results, select a search that matches the corresponding Batch Activity category. For this workflow your search should be a Candidate Search.
3) Locate the Search Task Bar and drill down in the Batch Activities menus to Candidates then select Email Job Details activity.
You can also open the saved search, select individual records then run the workflow from the Batch menu inside the search.
4) The Email Job Details workflow will open in a new window. Enter the job order # to send to the selected candidates.
5) While updating the form notice that fields marked in red are required to complete the workflow; and that by clicking on the buttons to the right of certain fields, a new window will open allowing you to search and select options related to that specific field.
§ Subject – if you do not enter a subject the default will be Job Opportunity.
§ Salutation & Closing – are free text fields that can be changed as desired.
§ Type – from this pick list you can choose how to address the candidate; the nickname is the default selection.
6) Enter Additional Text as desired and choose whether to place this text before or after the job description.
7) After updating the form select what action to take next:
§ Preview – will open a sample email that allows you to review your choices prior to sending the email. Note: close the email to return to the workflow; do not send this email.
§ Confirm – sends emails to the candidates selected in the saved search.
§ Cancel – closes the workflow without sending the emails or saving the changes you made in the workflow view.
This is a sample of the preview email.
8) After clicking Send a message will open to confirm the workflow is complete and alert you to any records not included in the workflow.
9) Verify the workflow completed by viewing the Job Opportunity Emailed via Batch entry is posted to the record’s journal.