
The AdaptSuite call-em-all Integration is used to send a mass telecommunications broadcast to selected candidate records.


Integrations Settings in System Settings

§  Before broadcasts can be sent to candidates the call-em-all connection information must be added to the Integration Settings segment of the System Settings profile.

§  A system administrator will need the web services url and login credentials in order to setup the integration.

§  The integrations settings segment is the location to establish defaults for the create broadcast workflow.

For additional details regarding setup, please refer to the System Settings Integration Settings



Create a mass telecommunication broadcast

§  The first step in the mass telecommunication process is to run a candidate search to locate records to be included in the broadcast.

§  From the batch candidate activities workflow the broadcast is created against the search result listing.

§  After creating the broadcast record the user will call the provided toll free number to record messages the candidate will receive either as a live answer or in a voicemail.

For additional details please refer to the Batch Activity Candidate Mass Telecommunications topic.


Viewing call results for mass telecommunication broadcast

§  Once a broadcast is created and the messages recorded call-em-all takes over the process and begins calling the candidates per the conditions specified in the workflow. i.e., time to call, number to call, survey response received.

§  The user can access the broadcast record, to view and track the progress and results, via the candidate or job order record’s Mass Telecommunications segment.


§  After accessing the record the results should be displayed. If they are not click the update workflow option to refresh the recipient results list box.

For additional details please refer to the Candidate, Job Order and/or Additional Entities Mass Telecommunications topics.