Preferences - Location

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Location allows you to add, edit, or remove employee/assignment/position preferences concerning the location of the workplace, areas of relocation, and whether they would be willing to relocate at all (only for employee).


The Grid

The Location grid contains the following information:

The Options

The following options are available from the grid:

Adding/Editing Location Preferences

Upon selecting New or Edit, the New Location or Edit Location window displays.

  1. If you are adding a location preference, select the location from the Location List by clicking on it. If you are editing a location preference, this field is inactive. NOTE: The list only shows locations that have not already been included in the grid.

  2. In the Importance field, select Preferred if the employee/assignment/position prefers working at this location. Select Acceptable if the employee is willing to work at or the assignment/position is willing to provide this location, but it is not his/her/its first choice. Select Unacceptable if the employee refuses to work at or the assignment/position provide this location.

  3. Click OK to save your information and close the window. Click Apply to save your information, but leave the window open.


The Grid

The Relocation grid contains the following information:

The Options

The following options are available from the grid:

Adding/Editing Relocation Preferences

Upon selecting New or Edit, the New Relocation or Edit Relocation window displays.

  1. If you are adding a relocation preference, select the relocation option from the Relocation List by clicking on it. If you are editing a relocation preference, this field is inactive. NOTE: The list only shows relocation options that have not already been included in the grid.

  2. In the Importance field, select Preferred if the employee/assignment/position prefers this relocation area. Select Acceptable if the employee is willing to relocate to this area or the assignment/position is willing to relocate employees to this area, but it is not his/her/its first choice. Select Unacceptable if the employee/assignment/position refuses to relocate to the area.

  3. Click OK to save your information and close the window. Click Apply to save your information, but leave the window open.

Unwilling to Relocate (Employee Only)

Place a check in this checkbox if the employee is unwilling to relocate to any area. Leave the box blank if the employee is willing to relocate. Clicking on the box toggles it between checked and unchecked.