Formatting Window

How to Use OnLine Help

The Formatting Window dialog allows you to view Short Description, Detailed Description and Qualification information in a larger window by clicking on the pencil and paper icon next to the field. A window opens on top of the original screen and contains any existing text already entered in the field; the existing text can be edited in this window.

Once you are satisfied with the changes you have made (see Formatting below), click Save. If you want to close the window without saving your changes, click on the red x in the upper right of the window.


Text entered in this dialog can be formatted as it is typed or after typing by selecting the text you want to format. The following format options are available (going from left to right):

Font Type

Click the droplist to select for a list of fonts currently available on your PC.

Font Size

Click the droplist to select from seven font sizes. NOTE: The listed font sizes are specific to HTML and are not "points". The large the number, the larger the text.

Font Color

Clicking on the "paint palette" icon displays the standard Windows color selector. Select a color or create a custom color to liven up text.


Click the B button to emphasize your text by making it Bold (slightly larger and darker).


Click the U to underline your selected text.


Click the I to italicize your text.


The next three buttons justify your selected text. The buttons are as follows (left to right):

Left Justify


Right Justify


This button puts a bullet point in front of the currently selected sentence.


This button puts a number in front of your sentence, starting with 1 and incrementing each new line by 1.


The last two buttons move your text left (first button) and right (first button).