Record Sales Call

Company/Rep Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type Record Sales Call (Company)

Company/Rep Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type Record Sales Call (Rep)

Company Reps Grid > Mass Activity > Record Sales Call

How to Use OnLine Help

Record Sales Call allows you to track your sales communication with the companies you service.

The following options are available (click on the option for more information):

NOTE: The screen shot above is from the Company Record Sales Call. The Company Rep Record Sales Call will have the rep's name in the title bar.

Using the Record Sales Call Window

Click on the radio button of the option you want to choose (Sales Correspondence, Sales Gift Provided, Make a Sales Phone Call, Make Sales Proposal / Presentation, or Informal Sales Visit) and click OK. Clicking on any one radio button deselects any other currently selected option.

NOTE: You can close the window without making a selection by clicking the Cancel button.