ACA Employee Types

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Measurement, Administration and Stability periods are calculated based on two things: the employee's ACA Classification (Variable, Non-Variable, Seasonal, Part Time) and their Administrative Status (New, Ongoing). For the sake of efficiency and clarity, Variable, Seasonal and Part Time employees are all referred to as Variable in the information below.

Variable, Ongoing

This is an employee that has worked without a break for a full Measurement Period. They have worked for you long enough that you can immediately look back over the Measurement Period to see how much they have worked and whether they should get insurance during your open enrollment period. Their Measurement Period comes from the active Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record. The Administration period follows the Measurement Period for a length equal to that set up on the active Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record. This is followed by a Stability Period, which is also equal to the length set up in the active Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record. You may see a gap between the Measurement and Administration periods due to rules surrounding the Baseline Date, but it should be less than a month. Baseline rules are set in the active Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record.

Non-Variable, Ongoing

Non-Variable employees are those that you have determined work consistent full-time hours. No look back period is needed to determine if they qualify. They are always eligible. They have a certain amount of time to turn in their insurance paper work (the Administration Period) and then they are covered for a certain amount of time (Stability Period). Although technically no look back period is needed, AdaptSuite still calculates eligibility hours so that you can make sure you have coded these employees correctly. The Measurement Period is based on the active Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record. However, since they get insurance by default, their Administration Period initially starts at the same time as the Measurement Period. The Administration Period is then followed by the Stability Period.

Non-Variable, New

These are employees that are either a new hire or an employee with a break-in service that you have determined will be working consistent full-time hours. For these employees, their Measurement Period covers from the Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record. However, their Administration Period is based on their ACA Hire/Rehire Date. In other words, once hired, they have a certain amount of time (Administration Period) to get their paper work done. At that point, they are covered for a period of time (Stability Period). The Administration Period is actually calculated as if they were an Ongoing Employee. In other words, since the Ongoing Administrative period is 90 days by default, you will have 90 days to get all the paper work complete to insure the Employee. Again, it is possible to see gaps between one period and another period based on Baseline rules (set up in the Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record), but the gap should always be less than a month.

Variable, New

The employee is new if they either 1) do not have a full Measurement Period to look back on or 2) have a break-in service during a full Measurement Period. Since there is no look-back period to check, the employee needs to work a full Measurement Period based on their Hire Date before you can determine whether they are entitled to insurance or not. Their Measurement Period begin date is based on the Hire Date so that you can determine whether they should be offered insurance as soon as the initial Measurement Period is over (rather than making the employee wait for the next open enrollment period. As above, the Measurement Period Start Date can vary based on the Baseline rules set up in the Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record, but should be less than a month from their ACA Hire Date. The Measurement Period End Date is calculated by adding the Measurement Period (set up in the Corporation Healthcare Act Maintenance record) to the Measurement Period Start Date. The Administration and Stability Periods follow as defined for an Ongoing Employee.