Company Status

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StaffSuite allows you to see a company's condition at a glance through various status codes. Some of the codes are generated by the system and others are generated by you.

Unlike Employee, Company has more than one status field. These fields are discussed below:

Ordering Status

This is system controlled, which means that the system automatically determines this status. Whenever an assignment (or position) is added, closed, filled, or placed, the system automatically updates the status. The Ordering Status is based on Orders (and associated assignments/positions) for which the Company is the Owning Company. The following are valid ordering statuses. Please click on the status name to see more detailed information.

Customer Status

This is user-controlled, which means that you control this setting. In addition, you determine what statuses can be selected (during your Management Planning Session). Typical values are: Loyal, Occasional, Seasonal, Inactive, etc.

Sales Status

This is user controlled, which means that you control this setting. In addition, you determine what statuses can be selected (during your Management Planning Session). Typical values are: Hot Prospect, Target Account, Key Account, etc.

Service Status

This is user controlled, but the values you choose from are determined by the system. In other words, while you can set the service status yourself, you select from a list of system generated options. The following are valid service statuses. Please click on the status name to see more detailed information.

Credit Status

This is user controlled, but the values you choose from are determined by the system. In other words, while you can set the service status yourself, you select from a list of system generated options. The following are valid credit statuses. Please click on the status name to see more detailed information.

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