Deductions Grid

How to Use OnLine Help

The Deductions Grid appears on the Add/Edit Timesheet window (and several other windows throughout the PayBill system). The grid is used to add one-time deductions to a timesheet (the system automatically calculates recurring deductions).


Click here to return to the Add Timesheet Screen main topic page.


Click in this column of a blank row to add a new deduction. Once you click in the column of the new row, you can use the button to select the Deduction.

Click in this column on an existing row to edit a deduction (change the deduction code).

Deduction codes are added in the System Administration division of StaffSuite. Only those codes which have been added there will appear in the drop list.





EE Amount

Click in this column and type in the amount of the deduction from the employee's pay for this paycheck only.

If you have selected a deduction code, you must enter an amount to be deducted.





ER Amount

Click in this column and type in the amount of the deduction that the employer is contributing to match the employee's deduction for this paycheck only.