E-mail Basic

System Administration > E-mail > Viewer > Basic Information

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E-mail Basic allows you to determine the threshold for creating E-mail activities. If the number of recipients of the email exceeds the upper limit entered, the email is does not generate activities. In addition, you can create a message that will be included with all emails that are marked (when the email is sent) as a solicitation.

Using the E-mail Basic Info Window

  1. In the Upper Limit of Recipients for E-mail Generated Activities, indicate the number that, if equalled or exceeded, causes the system NOT to generate E-mail activities. For example, in the screen shot above, if an email is sent to 20 recipients, activities will be generated (since the number of recipients is less than 50). If an email is sent to 60 recipients, no activities will be generated (since the number of recipients is more than 50).

  2. In the E-mail Solicitation field, type the message that will appear on all E-mails marked as solicitations. When an E-mail is created in the Operations division, the user can indicate that the E-mail is a solicitation. The message entered here will appear at the bottom of all solicitation E-mails.

  3. Once you have made your changes, click Save to save your changes and close the window.

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