Edit List Copy

System Administration > Edit Lists > Actions > Edit List Copy

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Edit List Copy allows you to copy customized edit list values from staffing service component to staffing service component. Non-customized edit lists cannot be copied since those values are used by the staffing service component by default.

NOTE: When you add a new divisional/regional staffing service component, the edit list values for the main (or parent) staffing service are automatically defaulted into the new staffing service edit lists. When you add a branch, it simply uses the values of its associated staffing service component (unless you create a branch-specific edit list).

Edit List Copy is useful for two reasons:

For a more thorough explanation of edit lists, click here.

Copying the Contents of an Edit List

  1. Find the edit list you want to copy in the Copy From list and select it by clicking on it.

NOTE: You can only copy edit lists that have a special icon (hand holding a folder) next to the edit list name. The special icon means that someone has changed the standard edit list values. Since the system automatically adds standard edit list values (from the main/parent staffing service component), there is no need to copy an unchanged edit list.

  1. Find the edit list you want to copy to in the Copy To list and select it by clicking on it.

NOTE: You can only copy an edit list from one Staffing Service component to the same edit list in another Staffing Service component. For example, you can copy the contents of an Employee Rating edit list from one component to the Employee Rating edit list of another component.

  1. Click .

  2. The system copies the data from the Copy From edit list to the Copy To edit list and holds the copy in cache memory. This simply means that the system knows you want to do a copy and has everything set up and ready to go, but needs your final approval.

  3. To finalize the copy (or copies) without closing the window, click Apply. To finalize the copy (or copies) and close the window, click OK. To close the window without saving the copy (or copies), click Cancel.

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