General Account Look Up

How to Use OnLine Help


Company Name/Company Number

Enter the company name and/or number of the company associated with the general account you want to add/find.

If you not sure of the company name/number, click to open the Look Up Company window.




Displays the corporation associated with this batch.

This field may not be edited.



General Account Date


Use the calendar control to select the dates when a general account must have been created in order to be found by the search. In other words, the general account must have been created between the from and to date.

  • To search a specific range, enter a From date and a To date. StaffSuite will find all general accounts created between and including the two dates entered.

  • To search for general accounts created since a given date, enter a From date only. StaffSuite will find all accounts created after and including the date entered.

  • To search for accounts created prior to a given date, enter a To date only. StaffSuite will find all accounts created before and including the date entered.

  • To search for a specific date, enter the same date in the From and To fields. StaffSuite will find only those accounts created on that date.

You can also leave this field blank if you are not looking for a specific date range.

Click here for information on using StaffSuite's calendar.



Open Items Only

Click this field to select/deselect whether you want to search only open item general accounts.

A check in the box indicates that only open items will be searched. An unchecked box indicates that all items will be searched.

Clicking in the box checks or unchecks the box.



Create New

Click this button to create a new general account.

This information defaults into the Payment Distribution grid.




Runs the search based on the criteria entered in the fields on the window.




Closes the window without running a search.