Getting Help

How to Use OnLine Help

As easy as StaffSuite is to use, there are going to be times when a problem or situation stumps you. All of us at Bond International Software are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your software purchase. Therefore, we have made several avenues of help available:

OnLine Help

OnLine Help allows you to get answers to your questions quickly and efficiently. It is like having a reference manual on your desk. To access it, you need only select StaffSuite from the Home Ribbon (Help group) or click the question mark icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. By using the Table of Contents, Index, and Search features of the Help program, you can easily and effectively find answers to the vast majority of your questions.

For more information on using OnLine Help, click here.

In addition to basic StaffSuite OnLine Help, Query Builder and General Ledger Interface both have their own built-in online help within each application.


Electronic versions of all StaffSuite manuals are available in the Client Access area of Bond's website (see below for instructions on accessing the website) or by request. The following manuals are available:

Periodic Documents

Some documents are created periodically depending on need. These include:

Qualified Liaison

Your staffing company has identified a qualified liaison to work with Bond International Software if you need training classes, online training, or technical assistance. Rather than contact Bond directly, please contact your qualified liaison.

Bond-US StaffSuite Web Site

Bond's web site has several hints and tips on using StaffSuite to your greatest advantage. You can access our home page by clicking on the Help menu and selecting Bond US on the Web. can simply click here to be taken to Bond US web site.

Training Classes

Classes are held at Bond's Atlanta headquarters on a periodic basis. Trainers will show you tips and techniques to get the most out of the software and will be available to answer your questions. Please have your liaison call Bond (1-800-925-1519) for a list of upcoming training classes.

Online Training

Bond Computer Based Training Sessions are available in the Client Connect area of the Bond-US web site. These sessions are typically 10 – 20 minutes in length and are designed to provide an overview and setup information for very specific pieces of functionality designed to be valuable either for a first time user, an initial roll out of the functionality, or as a refresher on the functionality. Have your liaison call Bond-US for a password to access these training classes.

Bond-US Support

If you need technical assistance with the software, you should follow your internal support procedures which may include having your internal liaison contact Bond. Providing the following information when you have an issue can be very helpful:

NOTE: When you get an error message in StaffSuite that contains important information that may be useful in solving your problem, the Copy to Clipboard button allows you to easily copy the text of the entire message to your clipboard so it can be pasted into an email, or other document, and sent to Bond Support.

If you are taking the Getting Started with StaffSuite Tour...

This completes the tour. Thanks for coming along. You are now ready to use StaffSuite. All of us here at Bond are happy to have you on board.

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