Manage E-mail - Attachments Tab

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The Attachments tab contains all of the information pertaining to any attachments associated with the email. There are three types: 1) Assignments/Positions, 2) Documents, 3) Employees. NOTE: Certain attachments are required for certain associated activities. Click here to access a detailed list of all required attachments.

NOTE: The file size of all attachments added together cannot exceed 4 MB.


Click here to return to the Send E-mail To main topic page.




The Type field allows to select whether you want to look up assignments or positions. Use to make your selection.

Once you have determined the type, click to perform an assignment or position look up. Results of the search are displayed in StaffSuite's grid. You can click on any row of the grid to select or use Windows' standard multiple row select functionality (e.g., CTRL-click to select multiple non-contiguous rows, SHIFT-click to select a series of contiguous rows).

The lookup and retrieve buttons are disabled if:

  • There is more than one entry on the Recipient Grid or...

  • There is more than one entry on the DMS or Employee grid


  • The email was created from the Employee, Company, Assignment, or Position categories.

The grid displays the following information:

  • Icon: The icon visually represents the category associated to this email. Click here for a legend of the icons.

  • Asn/Pos #: The assignment or position number

  • Company Using: The company associated with the assignment/position

  • Main Occupation: The main occupation associated with the assignment/position

  • Start Date: The assignment/position starting date

The Retrieve button takes the selected assignment(s)/position(s) from the StaffSuite grid and puts them in the Assignment/Position grid.

The Delete button allows you to remove assignments/positions from the Assignment/Position grid (if you no longer want to attach them to the email).




The Type drop-list allows you to select whether you want to search for a document in the Document Management System (DMS) or on a local or networked drive (Local/Network). Use to make your selection.

Once the type has been selected, click . If you selected a type of DMS, the DMS lookup window displays. For more information on using this window, click here. If you selected a type of Local/Network, a standard Windows' Open dialog is displayed. In either case, find the document(s) you want to attach and click OK (or Open).

The lookup is disabled if:

  • There is more than one entry on the Recipient Grid or...

  • There is more than one entry on the Assignments/Positions or Employee grid


  • The email was created from the Employee, Company, Assignment, or Position categories.

The grid displays the following information:

  • File Name: The name of the file.

  • Description: For DMS, this is the user-supplied description of the document. For local/network, this is the drive and path where the file was originally located.

  • Category: For DMS, this is the document category. For local/network, this column is empty.

The Edit button opens the selected document in its associated application window (for example, a .txt document normally opens Notepad, while a .doc document normally opens Microsoft Word). Once you have edited the document and saved it, you will be prompted to reload the file. If you answer Yes, the changes you made will be saved to the attached document (HOWEVER, this does not change the actual document in DMS or on your local/network ONLY changes the attachment). If you answer No, your changes will be discarded.

The Delete button allows you to remove documents from the Documents grid (if you no longer want to attach them to the email).




Allows you to attach information about employees to your email.

Click to display the employee lookup. Results are displayed in the StaffSuite Grid.

The lookup is disabled if:

  • There is more than one entry on the Recipient Grid or...

  • There is more than one entry on the Assignments/Positions or DMS grid


  • The email was created from the Employee, Company, Assignment, or Position categories.

The grid displays the following information:

  • Name: Employee's nickname followed by the last name.

  • Branch: The staffing service branch to which the employee belongs.

  • SSN: The employee's social security number.

The Retrieve button takes the selected employee(s) from the StaffSuite grid and puts them in the Employee grid.

The Delete button allows you to remove an employee from the Employee grid (if you no longer want to attach them to the email).




Allows you to send yourself a test email. The email is sent to the email address of the logged in user. No activities are created and the email is NOT saved.

This gives you the opportunity to look at the email as your recipients will see it before actually sending it out.



Save as Draft

This allows you to save the email instead of sending it out. In order to do so, all required fields must be entered.



Send Now



This button's name changes based on circumstances:

  • If the Send On field is checked, the button will say Schedule

  • If Send On is unchecked and the email has not been sent, the button will say Send Now

  • If Send On is unchecked and the email has been sent, the button will say Resend

If the email is Scheduled, it is saved, but no activities are created. Then, on the date indicated by the Send On field, StaffSuite will send the email at the time specified in the config.xml file. At that point, any associated activity is created.

If the email is Sent, then it is saved, sent out, and any associated activity is created.

If the email is Resent, then a new email is saved, send out, and any associated activity is created.