Lookup Documents Home Ribbon > Quick Look Up Group > Document |
There are three options for looking up documents:
Once the documents are found, you have five options (see below for details).
On the Lookup Documents window, make sure that:
Association Type is set to All
All other fields (including Category, Status, and Keywords) are blank
and click the Search button.
The grid displays the results of your search. For more information on the grid, click here.
Enter information in the Associations area if you want to look up documents associated to a category (Employee, Company, etc.), a specific object in the category (e.g., a specific employee, a specific company, etc.), or documents NOT associated with a category or object. NOTE: The Clear Field button allows you to clear the Association field.
To search for documents across all categories, use to select All in the Association Type field.
To search for documents within a specific category, use to select Is in the Association Type field and then use
to select the category for which you want to search.
To search for documents not associated with a specific category, use to select Is Not in the Association Type field and then use
to select the category you want to ignore in your search. For example, if you select Company, the system will search for documents associated with any category except Company.
To search for documents associated to a specific object within a category, use to select Is in the Association Type field and then use
to select the category for which you want to search. Next, in the Association field, use
to select the object for which you want to search. For example, if you select Employee as the category, clicking
will allow you to select an employee. Only documents associated with this employee will be searched. NOTE: Clicking View allows you to see the Basic Info window for the selected association.
To search for documents not associated to a specific object within a category, use to select Is Not in the Association Type field and then use
to select the category of the object you want to ignore in your search. Next, in the Association field, use
to select the object you want to ignore. For example, if you select Employee as the category, clicking
will allow you to select an employee. No document associated with this employee will be searched. NOTE: Clicking View allows you to see the Basic Info window for the selected association.
In the Category field, use to select the category of the document for which you are searching. Categories are user-defined and can be changed using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality. However, in addition to your user-defined categories, one of the options in the drop-list allows you to look up All Resumes. This finds all documents associated with any category containing the letters "resume" (in that order). If you are not looking for documents in a specific category, leave this field blank.
You can filter the search by entering information about the document or its history in the Information and History areas. Click here for more information on the fields in these areas.
In the Keywords field, enter the words that you want to search for in your documents. You do NOT need to separate the words by commas. In other words, if you want to search for all documents with the word "Accountant" and "Tax", simply type "Accountant Tax". The words entered here are used in conjunction with the Search Type you select to find specific documents. This field is optional, so it can be left blank if you are not interested in searching your documents for keywords.
In the Search Type field, use to select the type of search desired. Options are:
All of these words: Will search for documents containing ALL of the keywords entered in the Keywords field. Thus, if you typed "Accountant Tax" in the Keywords field, the system would only find those documents containing BOTH the words "Accountant" AND "Tax". If a document does not have BOTH words, it will not be listed in the grid.
Any of these words: Will search for documents containing at least one of the keywords entered in the Keywords field. Thus, if you typed "Accountant Tax" in the Keywords field, the system will find any documents containing EITHER the word "Accountant" OR the word "Tax".
Exact Phrase: Will search for documents containing the keywords listed in the exact order they are listed. Thus, if you typed "Accountant Tax" in the Keywords field, the system will find any documents with the phrase "accountant tax" in it.
Without these words: Will search for documents that do NOT contain the keywords entered in the Keywords field. Thus, if you typed "Accountant Tax" in the Keywords field, the system will find any documents that contain NEITHER the word "Accountant" NOR the word "tax".
Words near each other: Will search for documents that contain ALL of the keywords entered in the Keywords field with the additional stipulation that the words must appear near each other. Thus, if you typed "Accountant Tax" in the Keywords field, the system will find only those documents containing both the words "accountant" and "tax" AND the words must be near each other. If both words are presented, but they are separated by several lines in the document, they will not be listed in the grid.
Advanced Expression: If you are familiar with Oracle search language and expressions, you may simply enter the Oracle search statement in the Keywords field. If you do so, it is important to select Advanced Expression, as this alerts the system to the fact that search expressions exist in the Keywords field. For example, if you enter "Accountant Near Tax", selecting Advanced Expression tells StaffSuite to look for the word "accountant" near the word "tax". However, if you select a type of "All of these words", StaffSuite will look for documents containing the words "accountant", "near", and "tax".
If you want StaffSuite to search for words similar to the ones you entered in the Keywords field, place a check in the Fuzzy Search checkbox. Basically, a fuzzy search allows there to be slight differences in the word searched for and the word in the document. This is useful if you want to look for slight misspellings. For example, a search for "Account" with fuzzy search on will find words like "Acount" and "Accont". If fuzzy search was not turned on, neither of the examples above would be found. Clicking on the Fuzzy Search box toggles it between checked and unchecked.
When you are satisfied with all your selections above, click the Search button.
The grid displays the results of your search. For more information on the grid, click here.
To close the Lookup Documents window without searching for a manual check, click the close button (small "x") in the upper right corner.
Once You've Found Your Documents...
Once the grid displays the results of your search, here are your options after selecting a document on the grid (by clicking on its row). NOTE: Clicking a document in the grid changes currency to match the records associated with the document. In other words, if you currently have Acme Company in currency and click on a document that is associated with Beta Company, Beta Company will be placed in currency. The only exception to this is when the document is associated with an Assignment or Placement. In this latter case, all records in currency will be updated EXCEPT Employee.
Delete: Allows you to remove a document from its association to the employee, company, etc. Keep in mind, deleting a document removes it from DMS and therefore, removes all associations. Thus, if a document is associated to an employee, company, and order and you delete it from employee, the company and order associations are deleted as well. If you simply want to remove an association, use the View Details button and simply delete the information in the association field.
View Details: Allows you to view details about the document. Click here for more information.
View Document: Allows you to view the document in its associated application. Thus, if the document is associated with Microsoft Word (note: associations are set up in Microsoft Windows), clicking View Document will open the document in Microsoft Word. If the document is associated with Acrobat, it will open the document in Acrobat. NOTE: Opening the document this way will NOT show the keywords highlighted.
View as HTML: Allows you to view the document as an HTML page. This is useful if you do not have the document's associated application installed on your machine. Also, the keywords you searched for are highlighted for easy reference.
Email: Allows you to email the document. Click here for more information.
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