Publish W-2's to WorldLink

PayBill > Government Reporting > W-2 > Publish to WorldLink

How to Use OnLine Help

Publish W-2's to WorldLink allows you to publish online W-2's to employees via WorldLink. Once published, the W-2 can be viewed and printed by the employee in WorldLink. You can also use this functionality to unpublish W-2s to WorldLink (in case of a mistake).

Around year-end each year, you will receive specific instructions for performing year-end functionality.

Before performing this function, you must create a summary file using the Create Reporting Summary functionality. You also need to run the Create Forms File action.

Creating a Forms File

  1. In the Corporation field, use to select the corporation for which you are publishing W-2's to WorldLink. This defaults to the home branch of the user running the process, but can be changed.

  1. In the Year field, enter the year for which you are publishing W-2's.

  2. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click Publish to publish the W-2's to WorldLink. If you want to unpublish previously published W-2's, click Unpublish. If you decide to close the window without publishing W-2's, click Cancel..

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