Customizing the Ribbon

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You can perform the following customizations to the Ribbon (Note: These options are not available in System Administration). You can click on an option below to be taken directly to detailed instructions::

There are two ways to start customizing the Ribbon. You can:

Adding Commands to a Ribbon

  1. From the Choose Commands from droplist, select the tab that contains the command you want to add. You can also select All Commands to see every available command.

  2. The Command Panel displays the commands on the selected tab. Single-click the command you want to add.

  3. The Tab Panel displays the available tabs and groups. Select the Group (by single-click) to which you want to add the selected command. NOTE: If the command is already part of the selected group or if the command cannot be added to the selected group, the Add >> button will remain inactive.

  4. Click the Add>> button.

  5. Click OK.

Adding a URL to the Ribbon

  1. From the Choose Commands from droplist, select Custom Commands.

  2. All currently set up URLs will display in the list.

  3. Click Customize... on the URL Links field (towards the bottom of the screen).

  4. From the Customize URL Links window, click New. This displays the New/Edit URL Link window.

  5. Enter a Name for the link. This is the name that will appear on the Ribbon.

  6. In the URL field, type the URL address.

  7. In the Hover Text field, enter the text you would like to see displayed if the user hovers over the Name in the Custom Ribbon. Typically, this is a short description of the URL.

  8. Click OK on the New/Edit URL Link window.

  9. This displays the Customize URL Links window. You should see your newly created URL on the list. At this point, you can select any URL listed and click Edit to edit it or Remove to delete it. If you want to keep your changes, click OK.

  10. On the Customize the ribbon page, select the URL you want to add. Then, on the right side, single-click the + sign beside the Group to which you want to add the URL. Next, single click on the tab to which you want to add the URL.

  11. Click Add >>.

  12. Click OK.

Removing Commands from a Ribbon

  1. On the Tab Panel, select the command you want to remove (single-click the command). NOTE: You can also remove an entire group or tab by selecting the group/tab.

  2. Click the << Remove button.

  3. Click OK.

Rearranging Commands on a Ribbon

  1. On the Tab Panel, select the command, group or tab you want to move.

  2. Click the up or down arrows (right side of screen) to move the command, group or tab.

  3. When you are satisfied with the new placement, click OK.

Creating a New Tab

  1. In the Tab Panel, single-click on a tab. This activates the New Tab button. If you select a group or command, the button inactivates.

  2. Click New Tab.

  3. A new tab called "New Tab" is added. You can then rename it, add groups and commands to it, or rearrange its placement.

Creating a New Group

  1. In the Tab Panel, single-click on a tab or group. This activates the New Group button.

  2. Click New Group.

  3. A new group called "New Group" is added. You can then rename it, add commands to it or rearrange its placement within the tab.

Renaming a Tab, Group or Command

  1. In the Tab Panel, single-click on the tab, group or command you want to rename.

  2. Click Rename.

  3. The Rename window displays. Type the new name and click OK.

  4. NOTE: Renaming a group or command in one tab does not change the same group or command on other tabs. For example, if you rename the Save command under the Employee tab, it does not change the name of the Save command under the Company/Rep tab.

Resetting the Ribbon

  1. Resetting the Ribbon removes all customizations made to the ribbon. You can either reset all ribbons or only the selected tab.

  2. To reset all ribbons, click Reset and then select Reset all Customizations.

  3. To reset the ribbon for only one tab, single-click on the tab name you want to reset in the Tab Panel. Next, click Reset and then select Reset only selected Ribbon tab.

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