Run Search

Employee Ribbon > Find Group > Run Search

Company/Rep Ribbon > Find Group > Run Search > Company

Company/Rep Ribbon > Find Group > Run Search > Company Rep

Order Ribbon > Find Group > Run Search

Assignment Ribbon > Find Group > Run Search

Position Ribbon > Find Group > Run Search

Vendor Ribbon > Find Group > Run Search

How to Use OnLine Help

Run Search displays the Search Criteria window allowing you to search your database for information. For example, you can search for all employees with a certain status or all orders created by a staffing service rep.

Run Search should be used to run StaffSuite's pre-defined searches or when you want to make a MINOR adjustment to a pre-defined search (e.g., changing a zip code or month) to create your own user-defined search (like a Favorite that you can save by user, branch or service line). If, on the other hand, you want to create a search from scratch, you should use Query Builder, a separate program that provides an easy to use interface for making search statements. Query Builder can be accessed by clicking Query Builder on your Home Ribbon (Quick Access group) or by clicking the icon in the Quick Access Toolbar. Details about using Query Builder can be found in Query Builder's OnLine Help.

The following sections describe how to do typical search activities. If you would like more details about the fields on the Search Criteria window, click here.

Running a Pre-Defined Search

  1. Select the folder which contains the pre-defined search in the Saved Searches area.

  2. A list of searches displays in the window below where you selected the folder. Select the search you want to run by clicking on it.

  3. The Search Statement field displays the search verbiage.

  4. Add other criteria as needed (e.g. Radius Search, Associated Documents).

  5. Click Run Search to run the search.

  6. Depending on the number of results ("hits"), the system will either put the results in the StaffSuite grid OR display a message saying that too many results were found to fit into the grid. In the latter case, you will be able to tell the system how many results you want to display in the grid.

Editing a Pre-Defined Search and Saving It with a New Name (Favorite)

NOTE: We strongly advise you NOT to replace a pre-defined report with an edited version of the same name. As an alternative, you can change the name of your edited search statement and/or you can save the search to a different location.

  1. Once you have the search statement displayed, edit the statement by clicking in the Search Statement field and typing your changes.

  2. Click Save.

  3. The system asks for two things: the name of the search and its location. Make sure one of these (or both) is different from the original search. For example, you can change the name of the report, store it in a different directory (like branch, service line, or user), or do both. Enter the new name in the Search Name field. Select a folder to house the search by clicking on it in the Pre-Defined Search Folders area.

NOTE: The saved search only saves the search statement. For example, if you edited a search statement and added a radius search to it, the statement will be saved, but not the radius search information. This allows you to run the search later and adjust the zip code and proximity to your needs at the time.

  1. When you are finished, click OK.

Removing a Search

NOTE: We strongly advise you NOT to delete a pre-defined search. You can delete user-defined searches, as needed.

  1. Select the folder and name of the search from the Pre-defined Searches area.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. The system asks if you really want to delete the search.

  4. Click Yes.