Profit Measures Screen

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Indicates the minimum margin percent, margin dollar, and markup percent accepted by the Staffing Service. Format: For a 25% margin, enter 25.

If the margin percent, margin dollar, or markup percent on an assignment falls below the amounts indicated, a warning will display reminding the user that they have entered a rate below the minimum amount.




Unlike the Minimum amounts, which indicate the least a Staffing Service will accept, the Target amounts indicate what a Staffing Service hopes to achieve. Format: For a 25% margin, enter 25.

If the margin percent, margin dollar, or markup percent on an assignment falls below the amounts indicated, a warning will display reminding the user that they have entered a rate below the target amount.



Premium Bill Factors

Indicates the default bill factor for overtime, doubletime, and tripletime. For example, if you set overtime to 1.5 (time and a half), then any overtime paybill code will cause the pay and bill amounts to increase by 1.5.

Format: If you want pay and bill amounts to be doubled, enter 2 (normally used for doubletime). The system allows up to four decimal points.



Additional Burden

Indicates any additional burden to add for this staffing service. Format: If you want to add 1.5%, enter 1.5.



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