Add Staffing Service

System Administration > Staffing Service > Actions > Add Staffing Service

How to Use OnLine Help

Add Staffing Service allows you to create a staffing service component (either Parent or Division/Region) in StaffSuite.

NOTE: If you want to add a Staffing Service Branch, use the Add Staffing Service Branch functionality.

For more information on staffing services, click here.

For a list of things to know before adding a Staffing Service, click here.

Using the Staffing Service Add Wizard

The Staffing Service Add Wizard takes you step-by-step through the information necessary to add a staffing service to your database. It is easily navigated using the following buttons:

The Staffing Service Add Wizard Fields

The Staffing Service Add Wizard contains the following fields (click the field name for detailed information):

  1. On the Staffing Service Structure window:

  2. Select the Staffing Service that you would like to add to

  3. Level

  4. Staffing Service

  1. On the Enter Basic Information window:

  2. Main Contact

  3. E-Mail

  4. Web Page

  5. Country

  1. On the Enter Address Information window:

  2. Address Type

  3. Suite/Building

  4. Street Address

  5. City

  6. State

  7. Zip Code

  1. On the Enter Phone Information window:

  2. Phone Type

  3. Phone Number

  1. On the Default Information window:

  2. New Employee Temporary Status

  3. New Employee Direct-Hire Status

  4. Probably Available Status

  5. Probably Available Trigger Days

  6. Future Fill Days

  7. Days Since Temporary Contact

  8. Days Since Direct-Hire Contact

  9. New Company Customer Status

  10. Days Since Company Contact

  11. Parse Resume Skill Method

  12. Employee Once Per Order

  13. Allow Activity Integration

  14. Allow Company Rep Integration

  1. On the Payroll/Billing Defaults window:

  2. Profit Measure Type

  3. Work Week Beginning

  4. Automatically calculate Regular Time bill rate based on

  1. On the Profit Measures Defaults window:

  2. Minimum Margin Percent

  3. Minimum Margin Dollar

  4. Minimum Markup Percent

  5. Target Margin Percent

  6. Target Margin Dollar

  7. Target Markup

  8. Overtime

  9. Doubletime

  10. Tripletime

  11. Burden %

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