Staffing Service Structure Screen

How to Use OnLine Help


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Name button

Clicking this button causes the Information Viewer to show your staffing service structure with only the staffing service component and/or branch name displayed.



Address button

Clicking this button causes the Information Viewer to show your staffing service structure with the staffing service component/branch name AND the physical address displayed.



Main Contact button

Clicking this button causes the Information Viewer to show your staffing service structure with the staffing service component/branch name AND the main contact displayed.



Information Viewer

This area displays your staffing service's structure. At the top level is the main (or parent) staffing service. Next comes the divisional/regional staffing service components. And finally, under its specific divisional/regional component, you see the branches.

A plus sign (+) next to a staffing service component name indicates that there a lower level components and branches associated with the higher level component. To see these hidden components/branches, simply click on the plus sign (+). Once the lower level components/branches are revealed, the plus sign (+) changes to a minus sign (-). Clicking on the minus sign (-) hides the lower level components/branches.



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