Workers Comp Code Look Up Screen

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Corporation Name



Name of the corporation associated with the workers compensation code for which you are looking.

Use to select the corporation.

If you are not looking for a specific corporation, select <all>.



State Name

Name of the state associated with the workers compensation code for which you are looking.

Use to select the state associated with the code for which you are searching.

If you are not looking for a specific state, select <all>.



Workers Comp Code

The ID number of the workers compensation code.

If you are not sure of the exact number, you can enter part of the number followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk acts as a wildcard and will find any code starting with the numbers you enter. For example, "88*" would find 8810, 8820, etc.

You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific number.



Branch Name

Name of the branch associated with the workers compensation code for which you are looking.

Use to select the staffing service branch associated with the code for which you are searching.

If you are not looking for a specific branch, leave the field blank.

NOTE: Some workers comp codes are not associated with a specific branch. These codes will NOT be found if you enter a branch name.



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