Activity Workflow

System Administration > Activity Workflow

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A workflow is a story line concerning the activities surrounding an employee, company, company rep, order, assignment, and/or position. It stems from the idea that activities rarely exist in a vacuum. Instead, they usually create the need for follow-up activities. Presenting an employee to a company for an interview creates a need to schedule the interview. Scheduling the interview creates a need to receive feedback from the company and employee. This story line (Presentation to Interview to Feedback) is known in StaffSuite as a workflow.

NOTE: Activity workflows apply to the activities listed in the Actions Navigator with the exception of the Add Wizards. Add Wizards are stand-alone activities designed to walk you through the addition of the most information with the least amount of effort.

StaffSuite gives you the power to completely control your activity workflow. Each activity can be assigned a "next activity." For example, you could tell the Fill Assignment activity to automatically notify you to record an activity confirming the employee. In turn, the Confirm activity could be programmed to notify you to perform an Arrival call activity. Using this functionality, you can create small and large workflows.

In addition, StaffSuite gives you the option of setting the next activity to occur in a specific number of days based on a date elsewhere in the system. In other words, you could tell the system to remind you in your Task List to do a performance evaluation three days after the close of an assignment. This is an example of using a specific number of days to perform a next activity. However, you can also program StaffSuite to remind you to close an assignment based on the end date located in the Assignment category.

You can also assign workflows based on how an activity was performed, the reason it occurred, and/or the result of the activity. This allows you to create an entirely different workflow based on whether a company expressed an interest in a candidate or not. You could program StaffSuite to tell you to perform another sales call if you had to leave a message, but something entirely different if you were able to speak to the person.

You can take the following action with activity workflow:

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