Add Company Rep

Company/Rep Ribbon > Actions Group > Add (Company Rep)

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Add Company Rep allows you to enter basic information about the representatives at companies with which you do business.

For more information on company rep, click here.

Using the Company Rep Add Wizard

The Company Rep Add Wizard takes you step-by-step through the information necessary to add a company rep to your database. It is easily navigated using the following buttons:

The Company Rep Add Wizard Fields

The Company Rep Add Wizard contains the following fields (click the field name for detailed information):

  1. On the Company Representative Add window:

  2. First Name

  3. Last Name

  4. Nickname

  5. Title

  1. The system searches the database based on the criteria you provided on the Company Representative Add screen. If the computer finds any company rep that matches the information entered, you will be presented with a Possible Duplicates Found window. You have two choices:

  2. If the person you are adding is not a duplicate company rep, click the Add as New Rep radio button.

  3. If the person is a duplicate of one of names listed, select the name on the grid and click the Exit Add Wizard, Review Selected Rep button. This closes the Add Wizard and displays the Company Rep Basic window for the selected rep.

  1. The Home Component window is actually a search window. It searches your database based on the information entered on the window. This allows you to easily match the rep to a company. On the Home Component window:

  2. Parent

  3. Component

  4. Level

  5. Branch Servicing

  6. Company Number

  1. The Companies Found window displays showing you a list of all companies found based on the criteria you entered on the Home Component window. Select the company component to which you want to add this rep (by clicking on its row in the grid) and click Next.

  2. The information on the Address Information window defaults from the Company component selected on the Companies Found window. You may edit any of the fields on this window. On the Address Information window:

  1. Suite/Building

  2. Street

  3. City

  4. State

  5. Zip Code

  6. Email

  7. Copy Contact Information to Outlook

  1. The information on the Enter Phone Information window defaults from the Company component selected on the Companies Found window. You can edit any of the fields on this window. On the Enter Phone Information window:

  1. Office

  2. Fax

  3. Pager

  4. Cellular

  1. On the Roles window, you see a grid with a number of roles that the company rep might fill for the company. Click in the Choice box if the rep fills that role. You can select as many roles as are appropriate, but you must select at least 1 role. These roles determine when the company rep's name appears on drop-lists. For example, only reps with a "Report To" role will appear on Report To drop-lists. Clicking on a box toggles it between checked and unchecked.

  2. On the Responsibilities window, you see a grid with a number of responsibilities the company rep might have for the company. Click in the Choice box if the rep has that responsibility. You may select as many responsibility as necessary, but you do not have to select any. The choices in the grid are user-defined and can be changed by using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality.

  3. On the Influence window:

  4. Type

  5. Level

  6. Importance Factors

  1. On the Choices window, you can select whether you want to add marketing or personal information about this company rep. Neither is required, but does provide more information about the company rep. If you want to add the information, place a check in the box. Clicking on a box toggles it between checked and unchecked.

  2. If you selected Marketing on the Choices window, the Marketing window displays. Click the New button. In the Marketing Item field, use to select a marketing item that is available to send to a rep. The Description field displays a brief description of the marketing item if one was entered when the marketing item was added (the options in the marketing item list are user-defined and can be changed by using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality. If you want to add more marketing items, click Apply to save the current one and leave the window open. Once you are finished adding marketing items, click OK.

  3. If you selected Personal Information on the Choices window, the Personal Interests window displays. Click the New button. In the Interest field, type the item/event/hobby in which the rep is interested. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the item of interest. If you want to add more personal interest items, click Apply to save the current one and leave the window open. Once you are finished adding personal interest items, click OK.

  4. On the Congratulations! window, verify the information displayed. If it is incorrect, click the Back button to correct it. If you are satisfied with the information entered, click Finish.

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