Add Invoice Sales Adjustment Screen

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Original Invoice


Enter the invoice number to which you want to associate this adjustment.

If you do not know the invoice number, click to look up an invoice.

Click here for more information on looking up an invoice.

In order for an invoice to be associated, it must:

  • have a status of Updated or Closed

  • exist for the same corporation as the position billing

  • exist for the same AR company as the position billing

  • have an Invoice Type of Position Billing

  • not be a General Account



Invoice Date

This field displays the date of the associated invoice. It is for informational purposes only and may not be edited.



Remove Association

Click this button to clear the Original Invoice field and remove the association between the invoice and the sales adjustment.



Adjustment Calculations

This grid displays the changes that will occur to the original invoice IF this invoice adjustment is proofed, posted, and updated.

The Original Invoice Amount row shows information for the original (unadjusted invoice). The Current Transaction row shows information about the adjustment that you want to associate. The Net Adjustment row displays information about the adjusted invoice IF you proof, post, and update the invoice adjustment.

NOTE: This grid also shows any other adjustments that are in the system that aren't updated yet. Thus, this grid helps you see the results of the different sales adjustments that affect the same invoice.




Click this button to save the association (or unassociation) and close the Invoice Sales Adjustment window.




Click this button to close the Invoice Sales Adjustment window without saving any information.



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