Company/Company Rep

Operations > Company

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A Company is any client that places orders requesting employees. Due to the structure of companies in the workplace, StaffSuite allows you to assign various levels to different company components. For example, the main corporate office or headquarters of a company would be entered at the Parent level. Each separate business you enter will have one main component.

Other levels are divisions, locations, and departments. Each of these can be associated with each other or with the Parent company. A Division might be an east or west coast office. It is a subset of Parent. Locations are subsets of Divisions. A Location might be a San Francisco office or a Phoenix office. Departments are subsets of Locations. A Department might be Accounting or Human Resources.

As you work with the various levels, you are working in a one-to-many relationship. In other words, one parent can have many divisions, one division can have many locations, and one location can have many departments. At any given time, you can see a full company structure (like a family tree) with all components and subcomponents.

Further, StaffSuite does not make you enter every level in a company structure. You may have a company that has a parent and locations, but no divisional offices. In this case, you could simply leave out the division levels. Thus, the relationship would be one parent to many locations.

You can add, edit, and delete companies. You can search companies based on various criteria. You can record the results of sales calls made to companies. Various relationships can be tracked by company allowing you to see at a glance their status in terms of sales, service, and credit.

Profit Measure, Billing, Tax, and Credit information are available for viewing by those with security access. You can enter information concerning a company's preferences concerning employees sent to them. Do they want employees with specific smoking preferences? Do they prefer employees who desire to work with smaller companies? Is the office accessible to a bus line? Do they want only employees from a specific school?

Grids display seasonal conditions at the company. At what time of the year is demand high or low at this company? A click of the mouse gives you a list of orders and assignments in various states of activity (open, closed, etc.). Another mouse click displays a list of all actions that have been entered concerning the company. One more mouse click displays only specific actions or specifies a date range. Finally, you can also list all representatives with whom you make contact at the company.

Company Rep

A Company Rep (Representative) is anyone that works at the company component. Normally, StaffSuite is concerned only with those company reps with whom you make contact or to whom employees might be assigned.

It is important to add all company reps that might be associated with a specific company, order, and/or assignment/position. This is necessary since each new order and assignment/position asks for the name(s) of the company rep(s) who placed the order, who the employee should report to, etc. The name is selected from a list of all company reps entered and associated with the current company.

You can add, edit, and delete company reps. Further, StaffSuite enables you to track every sales call made to and/or every gift sent to a company rep. You can view a rep's personal interests increasing the appropriateness of sale's activities.

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