Add Company

Company/Rep Ribbon > Actions Group > Add (Company)

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Add Company allows you to enter basic company information in StaffSuite.

For more information on company, click here.

Using the Company Add Wizard

The Company Add Wizard takes you step-by-step through the information necessary to add a company to your database. It is easily navigated using the following buttons:

The Company Add Wizard Fields

The Company Add Wizard contains the following fields (click the field name for detailed information):

  1. On the Company Add Wizard window:

  2. Parent

  3. Component

  4. Level

  5. Branch Servicing

  6. Company Number

NOTE: To speed the search for duplicate companies, enter as much information as you can in these fields.

  1. The system searches the database based on the criteria you provided on the Company Add Wizard screen. Any "hits" are displayed in a grid. You have two choices:

  2. If you want to add a new parent company and, therefore, any matches were purely coincidental, click the radio button for Add New Parent Company.

  3. If you want to add a subcompany component to a listed component, click the component you want to add a subcompany to in the grid, and click the radio button for Use. This tells StaffSuite that you  want to use the selected component.

  1. If you selected the second option above (to create a subcompany component), StaffSuite displays the Company Structure window. This shows you the current structure of the company of which the component is part. Click on the company component for which the subcompany component you are adding will be a child. In the Level field, use to select the level (department, division, or location - dynamic based on the component selected) of the subcompany component.

  2. On the Enter Company Information window:

  3. Choice

  4. Branch to Service Company

  5. Name

  6. Alias

  1. On the Address Selection window:

  2. Address Types

  1. You will be presented with one Enter Address Information window for each Address Type selected on the Address Selection window. NOTE: If you are adding a subcategory component, the address information for the next higher level component defaults into these fields. However, you can change the information, if needed. On the Enter Address Information window:

  2. Address Type

  3. Suite/Building

  4. Street Address

  5. City

  6. State

  7. Zip Code

  1. The Enter Phone Information screen displays. NOTE: If you are adding a subcategory component, the phone information for the next higher level component defaults into these fields. However, you can change the information, if needed. On the Enter Phone Information window:

  1. Main Phone

  2. Main Fax

  1. On the Relationship Manager window:

  2. Service Rep

  3. Sales Rep

  4. Acquisition Source

  5. Acquisition Date

  1. If you are adding a sub-company component, a List Company Reps screen displays. A grid will list all company reps that have been entered for the higher level company components associated with the sub-company component you are entering. You have two choices:

  2. If you want to add a new company rep for the sub-company component, click the radio button for Add new Company Representative...

  3. If you want to use a company rep from the grid, select the rep (by clicking on his/her row in the grid) and click the radio button for Use...

  1. On the Company Representative window (NOTE: If you selected Use from the previous screen, that rep's information will be defaulted on this screen):

  2. Name

  3. Title

  4. Office Number

  5. Office Fax

  6. E-Mail Address

  7. Roles

  8. Resp

  9. Influence

  1. On the Verify Company Structure window, the tree displays what the company structure will look like once you complete the Add by clicking the Finish button.

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