Eligibility Program Grid

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The Eligibility Program Grid displays any search results involving eligibility programs, either from the Quick Look Up, or from a search. Selecting an entry on the grid brings that record into currency.

Click here for more information on working in grids.

NOTE: While the grid can display more records, it is optimized to display 1000 rows.


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Identifies the corporation associated to which the eligibility program was applied.



Program Name

Identifies the name of the eligibility program.



Program Type

Indicates the type of eligibility program (accrued or advanced incentive). Accrued incentive programs accumulate hours toward an incentive payoff. Advanced incentive programs award the incentive amount at the inception of the program and then track the payoff.



Apply To

Indicates to which group of employees (All Employees, All Contractors, Selected Individuals, or Everyone) this eligibility program applies.




Identifies the type of Accumulation period (Calendar, Career, Hire/Anniversary, or User Defined) associated with this eligibility program.



Start Date

Indicates the date upon which the eligibility program begins.



Stop Date

Indicates the date upon which the eligibility program ends. If the program is an ongoing program (with no end), no date will appear in the Stop Date column.



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