Find Matching Employee

Assignment Ribbon > Find Group > Matching Employee

Position Ribbon > Find Group > Matching employee

How to Use OnLine Help

Find Matching Employee allows you to quickly see all employees that match the pertinent criteria from Profiles and Preferences.

The difference between this and Find Exact Matching Employee is that this matches the general information in the Profiles and Preferences. For example, if the Assignment/Position calls for experience in the Banking and Manufacturing industry, the Find Matching Employee activity will find any employee with EITHER experience in Banking OR Manufacturing. The Find Exact Matching Employee activity will find only those employees that have experience in BOTH Banking AND Manufacturing. In general, Find Matching Employee looks for employees that fit ANY of the criteria listed for the assignment/position. Find Exact Matching Employee looks for employees who fit ALL criteria listed for the assignment/position.

The Employee must have:

One of these:

And all of the following:

Finding Matching Employees

  1. Make sure that the Assignment/Position is in currency.

  2. Select Matching Employee from the Assignment/Position Ribbon.

  3. The Search Criteria window displays. For more information on the Search Criteria window, click here.

  4. Add additional criteria as needed (e.g. Radius Search, Keyword Search).

  5. Click Run Search.

  6. Results of the search display in the Employees grid.