Lock/Unlock W-2 Summary

PayBill > Government Reporting > W-2 > Lock/Unlock W-2 Summary

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The Lock/Unlock W-2 Summary option allows you to lock all other users out of the ability to run a Government Reporting Summary for a specific corporation and year (and conversely, unlock users so they can run a Government Reporting Summary).

Due to the way W-2c's are created, if a Government Reporting Summary is run, all W-2c's associated with that corporation for that year are destroyed (though they are copied to a file that can be viewed and printed). Therefore, you may choose to disallow all users from accidentally (or purposely) running a Reporting Summary for a corporation and year in which you have associated W-2c's.

Locking W-2 Summary

  1. Use to select the corporation that you want to lock.

  2. Type in the year that you want to lock.

  3. Click the button.

  4. That's it. The window disappears and the record is locked.

Unlocking W-2 Summary

  1. Use to select the corporation that you want to unlock.

  2. Type in the year that you want to unlock.

  3. Click the button.

  4. That's it. The window disappears and the record is unlocked.

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