Manual Check Look Up Screen

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Transaction Type

Used to select the Transaction type associated with the batch you want to find. On a manual check look up, this field defaults to Timesheet and may not be edited.



Batch ID

Unique alpha-numeric identifier of the batch. Entering an identifier in this field insures that only manual checks from one batch will be returned on the search (since each batch has its own unique batch number). You can leave this blank if you are not looking for a specific batch or do not know the ID number.



Reference Number

Number representing the specific manual check in the batch. Each manual check timesheet added to a batch is given a reference number by the system. Entering a batch ID and reference number insures that only one manual check will be returned on the search (since each manual check timesheet has its own unique batch ID and reference number). You can leave this blank if you are not looking for a specific batch or do not know the ID number.



Entered Dates


Use to select the dates associated with the manual checks you want to search.

  • To search a specific range, enter a From date and a To date. StaffSuite will find all manual checks dated between and including the two dates entered.

  • To search for manual checks since a given date, enter a From date only. StaffSuite will find all manual checks dated after and including the date entered.

  • To search for manual checks prior to a given date, enter a To date only. StaffSuite will find all manual checks dated before and including the date entered.

  • To search for a specific date, enter the same date in the From and To fields. StaffSuite will find only those manual checks entered on that date.

You can also leave this field blank if you are not looking for a specific date range.

Click here for information on using StaffSuite's calendar.



Transaction Status

Current status of the manual check you want to find. The status of a manual check changes automatically as it goes through the posting cycle.

Possible Batch Statuses are:

  • Posted

  • Unposted

You can select <all> to search for all statuses.




Runs the search based on the criteria entered in the fields on the window.




Closes the window without running a search.



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