Process Eligibility Options Screen

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Use to select the corporation for which you want to process eligibility options.



Program Name

Use to select the program name on which you want to perform a group add or recalculate.




Use to select the option that you want to run. Options are:

  1. Group Add: Adds the selected program to all files as defined in the program's Apply To method. This may not be selected if the Apply To method of the program is to Selected Individuals. The group add process does not add programs to employees with the status of Terminated (both Eligible for Rehire and Ineligible for Rehire), Long Term Inactive, or No Recent Contact. It is used when enrolling employees in a program 1) that was recently added in System Administration, 2)  when the Apply To option changes in the Edit Eligibility screen or 3) on a regular basis to add employees as a group rather than individually. It enrolls employees who are not already enrolled but do have a payroll record for the associated corporation. Selecting this option activates the Employee Branch field where you can select a specific branch.

  2. Recalculate Current Period Hours Only: Clears and then refigures all hours/units in the current year for the purpose of accumulating eligibility incentives.

  3. Recalculate Accumulation Periods and Hours: Choosing this will cause the system to create a new occurrence of the selected program if hours are found for the employee outside of the hours scheduled on the program.

For example: You may have a program set up that occurs over a set period of time (e.g., if you work 100 hours between one date and another, you get the incentive). In this case, you would select to recalculate hours only since the system will ignore any accumulated hours outside of the program's effective dates.

On the other hand, you may have a program set up that occurs on a yearly basis. If you select to recalculate by hours only, the system will ignore any hours accumulated outside of that single year. However, if you recalculate accumulation periods, the system will create a new occurrence (or instance) of the program for all dates outside of the single year.




Employee Name

The Employees field only enables if you select one of the recalculating options. This defines which employee's eligibility program should be recalculated. Use to select the option you want to use. Options are:

  1. All: Selects all employees with the selected program for recalculation.

  2. Specific: This causes the Employee Name field to activate allowing you to select a single employee for recalculation. Click the button beside the Employee Name field to access the Look Up Employee window.



Employee Branch

The Employees Branch field activates whenever "Group Add" is selected in the Option field. If you select a branch then the program is only assigned to employees with the selected home branch (who also are part of the Eligibility program). If you select "All" then the Branch restriction is removed.



Remove Manually Adjusted Hours

The Remove Manually Adjusted Hours field only activates if you select one of the recalculating options. Use the checkbox to select/deselect this option. If this option is selected (checked), then manually adjusted hours are removed from the recalculation. If this option is not selected (unchecked), then manual hours are included in a recalculation.



Process ID

Unique number identifying the eligibility options process. StaffSuite automatically assigns a processing ID once processing begins. This allows you to identify the process in the system and find reports generated during the process.




This bar shows the progress of the eligibility options process.




Click this button to begin the eligibility options process based on the criteria entered.




Click this button to close the window without processing eligibility options.



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