Skill Edit List Basic Screen

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Skill Edit List Area

This area is used to select the skill edit list to which you want to add/edit/remove values or for which you want to create a branch-specific skill edit list.

The tree structure is built using the following levels:

  • Top Level: Main (or Parent) Staffing Service Component

  • Second Level: Divisional/Regional Staffing Service Component

  • Third Level: StaffSuite Category (Employee, Company, etc.) Skills are located in the General category.

  • Fourth Level: Skill Edit List Name - The grid displays the list of branch-specific skill edit lists that have been set up.

Click the "+" (plus) symbol to see the contents of a sublevel. Click the "-" (minus) symbol to hide the contents of a sublevel.



Valid Branches

This area displays all valid branches for the selected staffing service component. By clicking on a branch name and clicking the left arrow button - - you can create a branch-specific skill edit list.



Move Buttons

These buttons are used to create or remove branch-specific skill edit lists.

To create a branch-specific skill edit list:

  1. Select the skill edit list you want to make branch specific in the left window pane.

  2. Select the branch for which you want to create a specific skill edit list in the Valid Branches pane.

  3. Click .

  4. The branch moves over to the left pane. By clicking on its name, you can add values to the branch-specific edit list.

To remove a branch-specific skill edit list:

  1. Select branch specific skill edit list you want to remove by clicking on the branch name under the appropriate skill edit list in the left pane.

  2. Click .

  3. The branch moves from the left pane to the Valid Branches pane.







This grid displays the values (or contents) currently in the selected component or branch-specific skill edit list. You can select a value by clicking on it. When you do, the row containing the skill edit list Name, Description, Synonyms and Inactive indicator is highlighted.

You have 3 options:

  • New: Allows you to add new values to the skill edit list.

  • Edit: Allows you to edit the currently selected value in the skill edit list including adding synonyms.

  • Remove: Allows you to remove the currently selected value from the skill edit list.



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