Update Timesheet/Position Billing

PayBill > Billing > Timesheet > Update Timesheet/Position Billing

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Neither the timesheet nor the position billing process is complete until you perform the update. Until then the transactions contained in the processing runs can be reset and/or recalculated.

Updating prevents any further re-processing of the batches already processed. This protects you from accidentally running invoices twice for the same batch. It also creates history records for all companies that have been invoiced.

NOTE: You can update billing before or after you process payroll or update payroll.

For more information on the update process, click here.

Updating Timesheet/Position Billing

  1. In the Corporation field, use to select the corporation for which you want to update billing. This defaults to the default corporation for the home branch of the logged on user, but may be changed.

  1. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click the button to update billing.

  1. The progress bar will track the completion percentage of the process.

  2. When the process is complete, the system displays a window telling you the process ID number, the number of invoices updated, and the location of all reports created during updating.

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