Updating Payroll/Billing

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Similar to the Posting option, Updating indicates that the paychecks (for payroll) or the invoices (for billing) ran without error. In terms of payroll, it updates the check history file. In terms of billing, it updates invoices to accounts receivable and the invoice history file.

It is very important not to forget this step. Without updating, it is very easy for someone to accidentally print the same paychecks or invoices a second time. However, do not run an update unless the paychecks or invoices printed properly and without error. Once updated, you may not process the information again.

If you do find that you made an error on the paychecks or invoices and you have already updated the information, you will need to use other PayBill functionality (like A/R Adjustment) to manually adjust the information updated.

For instructions on updating payroll/direct deposit, click here.

For instructions on updating timesheet/position billings, click here.

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