Add Timesheet

PayBill Ribbon > Transactions Group > Add > Timesheet

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Add Timesheet allows you to add work hours, pay rate, bill rate, and deduction information for your employees.  

For more information on timesheets, click here.

Adding a Timesheet

  1. Enter the assignment associated with this timesheet. There are four ways to do this:

  2. In the Assignment #  field, type the specific assignment number and press <Tab> or <Enter>

  3. In the Employee SS # field, type the employee's Social Security Number and press <Tab> or <Enter>

  4. In the Employee ID field, enter the employee's ID number and press <Tab> or <Enter>

  5. In the Employee Name field, type the employee's name and press <Tab> or <Enter>

  6. Click the button top open the Look Up Employee wizard to find the employee

NOTE: Permission to view social security numbers is set up in the Staffing Service Rep Basic screen. A staffing service rep that does not have permission to view social security numbers will be able to enter a social security number but, as soon as results are displayed, the numbers will be masked with only the last four digits revealed.

  1. In the Total Hours field, enter the number of hours worked on the assignment for this pay period and press <Tab> or <Enter>.

  2. In the Period Begin and Period End fields, make sure the dates are correct (it defaults from the Batch Add window). If the date is incorrect, click the button to select a new date. If the date is correct, <Tab> or <Enter> through the fields. If you edit the Period End date, the Period Begin date will automatically recalculate based on the Pay Frequency. If you edit the Period Begin date, the Period End date does not recalculate.

For more information on using StaffSuite's calendar control, click here.

  1. The Wage Grid automatically defaults paybill (wage) codes, hours, pay rates, and bill rates. You can take the following actions on the Wage Grid:

  2. To change a paybill (wage) code, click on the paybill (wage) code name in the grid and use the button to select a different paybill (wage) code

  3. To remove a paybill (wage) code, click on the paybill (wage) code and press your <Delete> key

  4. To add a paybill (wage) code, click in the Wage column of the bottom blank row and use the button to select a paybill (wage) code

  5. To change (or add) the total hours worked at a paybill (wage) code, click in the Total column of the row you want to edit and type in the new total (note, changing the Total Pay hours automatically changes the Total Bill Hours for that paybill (wage) code, but changing the Total Bill Hours does not automatically change the Total Pay Hours)

  6. To change (or add) the rate for a paybill (wage) code, click in the Rate column of the row you want to edit and type in a new rate

  7. Optional - To add daily hours worked, click in the day column (Sun, Mon, Tue, etc.) of the row for which you want to add daily hours and type the hours worked on that day (note, the numbers will show up in red until they are balanced to the total number of hours worked for the pay period). You can only do this if the Pay Frequency is weekly.

  1. In the Deduction Grid, enter any one-time deductions (deductions that are scheduled to be deducted on a periodic basis should be set-up in System Administration). Click in the Deduction column, and use the button to select a deduction. Next, type the amount that will be deducted from the employee's pay in the EE Amount column. If there is an employer matching amount for this deduction, enter the amount in the ER Amount column. NOTE: If this timesheet is created from a secondary sourcing assignment, this option is disabled.

NOTE: If the deduction is an Employer category deduction, the system will only take the deduction if it does not reduce the employee gross wages below the federal minimum wage. For example, if the Federal Minimum Wage is 7.25,  the Employer deduction is $15 on the timesheet and the employee is paid at 7.50 for 40 hours, the wages available for the deduction would be 40 hours multiplied by .25...or $10.

  1. Check all of the information entered on the timesheet. For details about other fields on the window, go to the Add Timesheet Screen topic.

  1. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click the button to save the timesheet.

NOTE: Tips are handled through the Balance Forward process. For more information on adding Tips as a Balance Forward, click here.

DON'T FORGET!!! You need to proof and post the batch containing the Timesheet before the system will make it available for payroll and billing.

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