Withholding Add

How to Use OnLine Help

The Withholding Add window allows you to add information about tax withholdings to the manual check record.

Click here to return to the Add Manual Check main topic page.


Select the type of withholding on the manual check from the list provided. Choices include Federal, FICA, FICA Med, EIC (Earned Income Credit), State SDI, State SUI, Workers Comp, County, County Occ (County Occupation Privilege), City, City Occ (City Occupational Privilege), County SC (County School District), and City SD (City School District).



Tax Authority Section

Use to select the proper tax authority. These fields are active/inactive based on the type of withholding selected.

  • State becomes active when  State, State SUI, State SDI, County, County Occ, County SD, City, City Occ, City SD, or Workers Comp is selected

  • County becomes active when County, County Occ, County SD, City, City Occ, or City SD is selected

  • City becomes active when City, City Occ, or City SD is selected

  • County SD becomes active when County SD is selected

  • City SD becomes active when City SD is selected

NOTE: If Federal, FICA, FICA Med, or EIC is selected, none of the fields become active (Federal Tax Authority is assumed).



Taxable Gross

Enter the gross amount from which the selected withholding type was calculated.



Tax Withheld

Enter the actual amount of tax withheld from the manual check for the selected withholding type.



Withholding Basis

Use to select the withholding basis for the selected withholding type. You may select from the following:

  • Dual - Resident in jurisdiction (residence and work location are the same)

  • Work - Non-Resident Tax (Work location tax for a non-resident)

  • Federal

  • Resident - Resident outside jurisdiction (residence and work location are not the same)

NOTE: Federal, FICA, FICA Med, and EIC default (and require) a Federal withholding basis.




Closes the window and saves the withholding information entered.




Closes the window without saving any withholding information entered.




Saves the withholding information entered without closing the window. This allows you to enter multiple withholding types without closing the window.



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