Workers Compensation Codes

System Administration > Workers Compensation Codes

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Workers Compensation Codes are determined by the Federal Government and designate the area of employment for a worker. For example, code 8700 can be set up for medical employees and 8810 for clerical employees.

Workers Compensation rates are set up by code and can be differentiated by corporation. For example, a corporation operating out of one state may have a different rate for the same Workers Compensation Code than another corporation working out of a different state. In addition, rates can be differentiated by state for the same corporation. These components are used by the insurance company to determine the insurance (state) rate the staffing service pays for workers compensation insurance. The state is normally part of the Burden amount calculated in margin % and margin $.

If needed, you can add specific burden rates by branch (usually due to a branch having more workers comp claims).

StaffSuite allows you to enter various Workers Comp codes, state rates, and burden rates.

You can take the following actions with workers compensation codes:

You can view the following workers compensation code information:

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