Add Report Group

System Administration > Report Management > Actions > Add Report Group

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Add Report Group allows you to add report groups (and associated form controls).

A report group is a user-defined collection of reporting specifications for association to a specific PayBill process for a corporation. This provides you with a way to schedule customized reports as part of a PayBill process, as well as a means to control the scheduling of reports.

For more details about Report Groups, click here.

Adding a Report Group

  1. In the Corporation field, use to select the corporation to which the report group will be added. This is a REQUIRED field.

  2. In the Process field, use to select the PayBill process to which the report group applies. Options are: Timesheet Billing Process, Position Billing Process, Timesheet Sales Adjustment Process, and Position Sales Adjustment Process. This is a REQUIRED field.

  3. In the Report Group field, enter a name for this report group. This is how the report group will be identified in the PayBill division of StaffSuite. NOTE: While the only name requirement is that the report group name have at least 1 alphanumeric character, the report group name may not be "StaffSuite". This is a REQUIRED field.

  4. The Active checkbox indicates whether the Report Group can be used or not. A check indicates that the Report Group is active. Clicking the box toggles it between selected and deselected.

  5. The Master Report Group checkbox indicates whether the PayBill billing process will use the Company specific report groups. Since companies sometimes ask you to provide them with invoices formatted to their specifications (e.g., how timesheets are allocated to an invoice, how data is sorted on an invoice, etc.), StaffSuite allows you to specify non-Master Report Groups at the company level. A Master Report Group is used during the billing process to tell StaffSuite to use the company-specific report groups, if applicable.

If you are using company-specific report groups, you must set up at least one master report group. If you are not using company-specific report groups, you do not have to set up a master report group.

A check indicates that the report group is a Master Report Group. Clicking on the box toggles it between selected and deselected.

  1. When you are satisfied with the information added, click the OK button to save the added information and close the window. The Report Group Basic window appears. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving the information.

NOTE: The Add Report Group window starts the process of adding a report group. At this point, the report group exists but no reports or form controls have been defined. To proceed to the next step in the process, Report Group Basic, click here.

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