Report Group Basic

System Administration > Report Management > Viewer > Basic Information

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Report Group Basic summarizes the pertinent information about the custom billing reports in a particular report group and gives you a way to add, edit, or delete a report in the displayed group. Report groups are associated with a corporation so you can have report groups with the same name in different corporations.

If you are adding a report group, this is the window that displays when you click OK on the Add Report Group window. You should add a report to the report group by clicking button beneath the Reports grid.

For more information on report groups, click here.

Editing Report Group Information

  1. The Corporation and Process fields are view-only and may not be edited.

  2. You can change the Report Group name by typing a new name in the applicable field.

  3. In the Active checkbox, you can activate or inactivate the report group by checking/unchecking the box. A check in the box indicates that the report group is active. Clicking in the box toggles it between checked and unchecked.

  4. The Master Report Group checkbox is view-only and may not be edited.

  5. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

For more details about the Report Group Basic window and the editable fields, click here.

The Reports Grid

The Reports Grid displays all custom billing reports associated with this report group. The following columns make up the grid:

Adding a Report to the Report Group

  1. Click .

  2. The New Report window displays.

  3. For more information on the New Report window, click here.

Editing an Existing Report for a Report Group

  1. Select the report you want to edit by clicking on its row in the Reports Grid.

  2. Click .

  3. The Edit Report window displays.

  4. For more information on the Edit Report window, click here.

Removing an Existing Report from a Report Group

Reports can be removed if it is not in use by another user and if the associated PayBill process is not running.

  1. Select the report you want to delete by clicking on its row in the Reports Grid.

  2. Click .

  3. The report is removed.

NOTE: Once you have added/edited/removed reports and made any edits to the Report Group or Active fields, you need to click the Save button on the toolbar before the changes are saved to your database.

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