Work Schedule

Operations > Assignment Basic Window > Work Schedule Button

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Work Schedule allows you to add and/or edit information about the assignment's start and end dates, start and end times, work days, etc.

For more information about assignment, click here.

Viewing and Editing Work Schedule

Most of the information on this window defaults from data entered when the assignment was created.

Start Date, Est End Date, Estimated Days: These fields display the date the assignment starts (Start Date), the date it is scheduled to end (Est End Date), and the number of days that the assignment is scheduled to last (Estimated Days). The Date fields can be edited by clicking and selecting a date. Click here for more information about StaffSuite's calendar control. Here is what happens when you change each field:

Act End Date, Act Days: If the assignment has closed, these fields display the actual date that the assignment ended (Act End Date), as well as the length of the actual assignment (Act Days). If the assignment has not yet closed, these fields will be blank but the system will use the Estimated End Date if it needs to make calculations about this assignment.

Weekly Hrs, Wage Code: These fields detail the number of work hours in a typical week for the assignment (Weekly Hrs) and the default PayBill Code that will be used on the timesheet (Wage Code). You can change the PayBill Code by clicking and selecting a different code.

Start Time, End Time, Shift, Further Details: These fields contain specifics about the assignments including the time of day that it starts (Start Time), the time of day it ends (End Time), the type or number of shift (Shift), and any other information needed (Further Details). NOTE: Any change in the start time will cause any Arrival activities to be scheduled to the new start time.

Days of Week: A check indicates that the employee is expected to work on this day during the assignment. Clicking on a box toggles it between checked and unchecked.

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