Add Assignment

Assignment Ribbon > Action Group > Add

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Add Assignment allows you to enter basic assignment information in StaffSuite.

While the Assignment Wizard normally runs automatically after adding a temporary order using the Order Add Wizard, it can be run at any time to add an assignment to an existing order. Therefore, before running the Assignment Wizard, you must have an order in currency.

For more information on assignment, click here.

Using the Assignment Add Wizard

The Assignment Add Wizard takes you step-by-step through the information necessary to add an assignment to your database. It is easily navigated using the following buttons:

The Assignment Add Wizard Fields

NOTE: Before running the Assignment Add Wizard, you must have an active order in currency.

The Assignment Add Wizard contains the following fields (click the field name for detailed information):

  1. On the Assignment Add Wizard window:

  2. Order Verification

  3. Component Using

  4. Create x New Assignments

  5. Secondary Source

  1. On the General Assignment Information window:

  2. Reporting To

  3. Working For

  4. Make this assignment standard

  5. Instructions

  1. On the Assignment Details window:

  2. Job Title

  3. Job Description

  4. Employment Type

  5. Qualifications to Add

  6. Instructions

  1. If you checked the Industry checkbox on the Assignment Details window, the Industries Required window displays. Click New to add industry qualifications. On the New Industry window, select the industry that will be part of the qualifications necessary for the assignment, the expertise level desired for this industry, and the level of importance that an employee have experience with this industry. For example, if the assignment requires a high level of accounting knowledge, you would select Accounting as the industry, High as the level, and Preferred as the Importance. Once you have selected an industry, click OK to add it to your Industries Required list (you can also click Apply to leave the New Industry window open allowing you to add more industries).

Once you click OK on the New Industry window, you will be taken back to the Industries Required window. You can click New to add another industry to your qualification list. Alternatively, you can select an industry and click Main to make it the main industry that will qualify a potential employee for the assignment, click Edit to edit level and importance information, or click Remove to delete the industry as a qualification for the assignment.

NOTE: The industry options are user-defined and can be changed using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality.

  1. If you checked the Occupation checkbox on the Assignment Details window, the Occupations Required window displays. Click New to add occupation qualifications. On the New Occupation window, select the occupation that will be part of the qualifications necessary for the assignment, the expertise level desired for this occupation, and the level of importance that an employee have experience with this occupation. Once you have selected an occupation, click OK to add it to your Occupations Required list (you can also click Apply to leave the New Occupation window open allowing you to add more occupations).

Once you click OK on the New Occupation window, you will be taken back to the Occupations Required window. You can click New to add another occupation to your qualification list. Alternatively, you can select an occupation and click Main to make it the main occupation that will qualify a potential employee for the assignment, click Edit to edit level and importance information, or click Remove to delete the occupation as a qualification for the assignment.

NOTE: The occupation options are user-defined and can be changed using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality.

  1. If you checked the Skill checkbox on the Assignment Details window, the Skills Required window displays. Click New to add skill qualifications. On the New Skill window, select the skill(s) that will be part of the qualifications necessary for the assignment, the expertise level desired for this skill, and the level of importance that an employee have experience with this skill. Once you have selected a skill (or skills), click OK to add it to your Skills Required list (you can also click Apply to leave the New Skill window open allowing you to add more skills).

Once you click OK on the New Skill window, you will be taken back to the Skills Required window. You can click New to add another skill to your qualification list. Alternatively, you can select a skill and click Main to make it the main skill that will qualify a potential employee for the assignment, click Edit to edit level and importance information, or click Remove to delete the skill as a qualification for the assignment.

NOTE: The skill options are user-defined and can be changed using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality.

  1. On the Rate/Profit Information window:

  2. Corporation

  3. Work Class

  4. Workers Comp

  5. Pay Rate

  6. Bill Rate

  7. Margin %

  8. Negotiate Rates

  9. Vendor Employee Rate

  10. Instructions

NOTE: The Company for which you are adding an assignment must have a tax location assigned in order to process payroll, so StaffSuite requires when you are adding the assignment. If there is none set in the Company Tax Information window, you will receive an error message at this point that will not allow you to proceed.

  1. On the Assignment Work Schedule window:

  1. Length of Assignment

  2. Hours of Assignment

  3. Days of Week

  4. Instructions

Tip: If you add preferred hours and days of the week in this company's work schedule (Company/ Preferences/Work Schedule), those hours and days will default into this screen whenever you add assignments for the company. This saves time in assignment entry.

  1. On the Assignment Verification window:

  1. Main Qualifications

  2. Create x assignments as defined above

  3. Add an additional New Assignment for this order

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