Edit Document Security

System Administration > Security > Actions > Edit Document Security

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Edit Document Security allows you to determine what rights each role has to the different document categories in StaffSuite's Document Management System (DMS).

Note: You will not be able to use a Category in DMS until you set up its security on this window.

You can set up security based on the document category and/or the security title.

For a more thorough explanation of security, click here.

Editing Document Security

  1. Select whether you want to edit document security by document category or security title by selecting either Category or Title. Your selection here determines what appears in the drop-list, as well as the layout of the grid.

  2. Use to select either the document category or security title that you want to edit. The options in the document category drop-list are user-defined and can be changed using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality. The options in the security title drop-list are user-defined and can be changed using StaffSuite's Edit Title Security functionality.

  3. The grid changes based on your selections in the prior two steps. If you select a document category, the various security titles in your database display in the left hand column. Thus, you are starting with a security title and editing the access that title has to the various document categories. If you select a security title, the various document categories in your database display in the left hand column. Thus, you are starting with a document category and editing the access that each security title has to that category.

In either case, the other columns are the same. They include the following:

A check in the box indicates that access is given. An empty box indicates no access is given. For example, in the screen shot above, anyone with a security title of Account Receivable Clerk has full access to those documents in the Contract, Job Descriptions, Proposals, or Resume1 categories. However, they would not have any access to those documents in the Placement or Resume categories.

You can make quick wide-ranging changes by using the buttons below the grid. To check all the boxes in the grid, click Select All. To uncheck all boxes in the grid, click Clear All. Clicking on the individual box in the grid toggles it between checked and unchecked.

  1. When you have made the proper adjustments to document security, click OK to save your changes and close the window. Click Apply to save your changes, but leave the window open so you can make additional adjustments. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving your changes.

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