Edit Lists Viewer

System Administration > Edit Lists > Viewer

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Throughout the system, you will see text boxes with a little downward pointing arrow on the right side. Clicking the downward arrow displays a list of choices. Clicking on a choice populates the text box with that choice. In some cases, those choices are determined by Bond and are not editable. However, in most cases, the options that appear are determined by you during the MPL process, and can be edited. Many activities throughout StaffSuite contain two important fields, "Explanation" and "Results", that are unique to each activity. These activity specific edit lists can be edited by you through the View Activity Explanations and Results screen.

Edit Lists Viewer allows you to determine the choices that appear in the drop list (the official name of the text box described above). Each drop list is associated with an edit list. When you add data to an edit list, the associated drop list shows it as a choice when you click the down arrow.

For more information on Edit List concepts, click here.

You can view the following edit list information:

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