Eligibility Award Participation

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This screen displays the eligibility awards for which the employee qualifies from within the current Timesheet or Balance Forward. Clicking the Eligibility Award button in Timesheet Add or Balance Forward displays this Eligibility Participation screen where you can associate eligibility programs to a timesheet or balance forward. You can also perform an Eligibility Award Look Up from a timesheet or balance forward record to get to this screen. Click here for more information on Eligibility Award Look Up.

NOTE: This list shows those eligibility programs in which the employee qualifies to participate from the PayBill side of the system. The eligibility programs are added through System Administration, but employees are added to the program and eligibility is calculated in the Operations and PayBill side of StaffSuite.

Click here for an overview of Eligibility.



Used to select the award programs to add to the timesheet/balance forward.

An award appears if:

  • The program is associated to the timesheet/balance forward employee in currency AND

  • The timesheet is not flagged as Bill Only

An award can appear in the Programs grid in three ways:

  • Normal: This award can be selected for the timesheet.

  • Dimmed (Disabled): This award cannot be selected for the timesheet because:

  • The award trigger of the program has not been met OR

  • The program is associated with a previous year AND you have selected not to allow awards earned from previous years AND

  • The logged in user does not have permission to override either setting.

  • Gray Filled: This award normally would not be selectable for the same reason as if the award was dimmed, but since the logged in user has permission to override, it can be added to the timesheet.

Click the check box (only allowable if not disabled) in the Select column to select/deselect an award. A check in the box means that the award will be added to the timesheet/balance forward. A blank box means the award will not be added to the timesheet/balance forward.

The following columns make up the grid:

  • Select: Used to select/deselect awards programs to add to the timesheet/balance forward

  • PayBill Code: This is the actual code that will be entered on the timesheet/balance forward when this award is selected (determined in System Administration)

  • Program Name: This is the name of the award program (entered in System Administration)

  • Accumulation Begin Date: This is the date that the award program began accumulating

  • Unused Incentive: This is the amount of unused accrued incentive

  • Date Last Updated: This is the date that the employee's accrued incentive amounts last changed



Unposted Timesheets

Lists all unposted timesheets for the employee that have an eligibility program associated as a paybill code, but have not yet been posted. This is useful to help insure that you do not double-pay an award.

The following columns make up the grid:

  • Program Name: This is the name of the award program (entered in System Administration)

  • Accumulation Begin: This is the date that the award program began accumulating

  • Batch ID - Ref #: Batch ID and Reference number of the timesheet that contains the eligibility program

  • Unposted Incentive: Amount of incentive on the unposted timesheet




Clicking this button closes the Eligibility Participation window and adds the selected award programs to the timesheet/balance forward screen with the wage code set up in System Administration.




Clicking this button closes the Eligibility Participation window without adding the selected award programs to the timesheet/balance forward.