Healthcare Accept

Employee Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type > Record Healthcare Action > Healthcare Accept

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Healthcare Accept allows you to record that you have made a healthcare offer to an Employee and they have accepted.

Note: If you already have an unfinished Healthcare Accept Employee activity outstanding, the system warns you that you are entering a possible duplicate. Check the information on the grid presented. If the activity listed is a duplicate of the one being entered, click on the row displaying the activity and click OK. This allows you to edit the existing activity. If the activity listed is not a duplicate, click the Create New button. This allows you to create a new activity.

The following instructions take you step-by-step through the REQUIRED fields necessary to complete this activity. Since Healthcare Accept uses StaffSuite's generic activity window, other fields, not noted here, are accessible.

  1. In the How Performed field, use to record how you performed the activity (e.g. phone call, email).

  2. In the Explanation field, use to record the reason for the activity.

  3. In the Results field, use to record the outcome of the activity.

  4. Check the Employee name in the Associations area to make sure it is the correct employee (StaffSuite automatically defaults the Employee in currency or, if you are coming from the assignment side, the employee on the assignment). If it is incorrect, change the employee in currency (only available if you are accessing this activity through Employee).

  5. In the Coverage Begin Date field, please enter the date the healthcare accepted coverage begins.

  6. In the Corporation field, pick the Corporation to which the activity applies.

  7. The Performed By and Completed Date/Time field automatically default to the current user and the current date and time (but can be changed). Click the button to open a Look Up Staffing Service Rep dialog and find a different staffing service rep for the Performed By field.

  8. Click OK to complete this activity.

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