Affordable Care Act (ACA)

How to Use OnLine Help

The following activities, views and workflows are designed to help you comply with the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This topic provides a basic summary and clicking on the links below will provide you with more specific information and step-by-step walkthroughs.

For more information about the types of ACA Employees, click here.

Record Healthcare Action

Record Healthcare Action gives you access to seven activities that allow you to record the steps taken to remain compliant with requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The following options are available for Employees only (click on the option for more information):

Healthcare Act Maintenance

Healthcare Act Maintenance provides access to add, edit or remove a Healthcare Act Maintenance record.

Click here for more information.

Employee ACA Details

ACA Details allow you to view the information about the Employee's hours, eligibility and coverage for the Affordable Care Act.

Click here for more information.

Update Employee ACA Details

ACA Updates allow selection of a particular process that updates the pertinent information necessary for the Employee ACA Details section and other reporting areas relating to the Affordable Care Act.

Click here for more information.