PayBill Code Look Up Screen

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Interface Code

Enter the code used to identify the PayBill type. This code is entered when adding a PayBill Code.

If you are not sure of the exact code, you can enter part of the code followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk acts as a wildcard and will find any code starting with the letters you enter. For example, "re*" would find regular, referral bonus, etc.

You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific interface code.




Enter the description of the PayBill code for which you are looking. The description is entered when adding a PayBill Code.

If you are not sure of the exact name, you can enter part of the name followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk acts as a wildcard and will find any description starting with the letters you enter. For example, "re*" would find regular, referral bonus, etc.

You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific description.



Type of Hours

Use to select the hours type associated with the PayBill Code for which you are searching.

Options are Direct-Hire Billing, Double Time, Other, Overtime, Regular, Tips, and Triple Time.

If you are not looking for a specific type of hours, select <all>.




Click OK to close the Look Up window and display the results in the PayBill Code Grid.

Click Cancel to close the Look Up window without doing a search for PayBill Codes.



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