Add PayBill Code

System Administration > PayBill Codes > Actions > Add PayBill Codes

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Add PayBill Code allows you to add a new PayBill Code to your database. Once added, the code can be used in the PayBill division of StaffSuite when adding a timesheet, payroll balance forward, etc.

Adding a PayBill Code

  1. In the Interface Code field, enter the actual code name to interface with the PayBill division. Whenever you are able to select a PayBill Code from a list of options, the information you enter in this field will display in the drop list. Therefore, most users simply type a full description, rather than an abbreviated code (e.g., Regular instead of REG, Overtime instead of OT, etc.). Note, however, that the code must be unique. This is a REQUIRED field.

  2. In the Description field, enter a description that will be associated with the Interface Code. In many cases, this will simply be a repeat of the information entered in the Interface Code field. However, if you entered an abbreviation in the Interface Code field, this field should contain a fuller description of the PayBill Code.

  1. In the Type of Hours field, use to select from a list of hours types. Your selection here affects how the system treats certain PayBill Codes. This field is MANDATORY. The following are hours types options:

  2. Direct-Hire Billing: Any PayBill Code with this hours type will display on any list of PayBill Codes related to Position Billing Transactions, but not on any time related to Timesheet Transactions.

  3. Overtime, Double-Time, and Triple-Time: Tells the PayBill Code to use the applicable factor entered at the Branch or Staffing Service Component level. It also affects any calculation that takes into effect "extra hours". For example, Workers Compensation has an option allowing you to factor in Overtime hours into Workers Compensation calculations.

  4. Tips: Tells the system to treat the PayBill Code as a tip when determining government reporting calculations (especially W-2 calculations).

  5. Regular: Assigned to any PayBill Code with no special rate factoring. Most PayBill Codes will use this hours type.

  6. Other: Used when the PayBill Code does not fit any of the other hours types. Usually designed for use for special governmental reporting purposes.

  1. In the Measurement field, use to select whether the PayBill Code should be measured in hours or in units. This field is MANDATORY.

  1. In the Sort Sequence field, enter a number to indicate the order in which paybill codes are printed on the employee's check stub. For example, sequence 01 codes are printed before sequence 02 codes. NOTE: Numbers 1-9 should be entered as 01-09.

  1. In the Options area:

  2. If the PayBill Code is sales taxable, place a check in the Sales Taxable field.

  3. If the PayBill Code is payroll taxable, place a check in the Payroll Taxable field.

  4. If deductions can be subtracted from this PayBill Code, place a check in the Allow Deductions field.

  5. If the PayBill Code is discountable for invoicing, place a check in the Allow Discounts field.

  6. If the PayBill Code is considered supplemental pay, place a check in the Supplemental Pay field.

  7. If the PayBill Code should be included in eligibility levels, place a check in the Include in Eligibility field.

  8. If the PayBill Code should be included in the calculation of hours for ACA eligibility, place a check in the Include in ACA Hours field.

  1. In the Other Parameters area:

  2. In the Worked Hours for Employee Paid Workers Comp check box, place a check in the box if the employee is required to pay workers compensation on this type of PayBill Code.

  3. In the 3rd Party Unemployment Code field, use to select a third party unemployment code from the list provided IF you are using third-party back office software.

  1. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click OK to save the new PayBill Code and close the window. Click Apply to save the new PayBill Code, but leave the window open allowing you to add another PayBill Code. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving the new PayBill Code.

NOTE: If you want to make this PayBill Code the default regular, overtime, or direct-hire code for a specific staffing service component, you will need to use the Staffing Service Defaults window. Click here for more details.

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