Campaign Look Up

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Looking Up Campaigns

There are three options on the Campaign Look Up window:

Finding All Campaigns

On the Campaign Look Up window, make sure that:

and click the button.

The Campaigns Grid displays the results of your search.

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Finding a Specific Campaign

  1. In the Campaign Name field, enter the name of the campaign for which you are searching. Behind the scenes, StaffSuite adds a wildcard to the end of your search, so the system finds any campaign that begins with the letters you enter here (for example, if you enter "Ju", the system will find "June Campaign" and "July Campaign"). If you are not looking for a specific campaign, leave this field blank.

  2. In the Campaign Scheduled Date fields, use to select the date(s) on which the campaign is/was scheduled. If you want to search on a date range, select both a From date and a To date. If you want to search on campaigns scheduled after a certain date, select only a From date (first field). If you want to search on campaigns scheduled prior to a specific date, select only a To date (second field). If you are not looking for a specific date or range of dates, leave both fields blank. For more information on using StaffSuite's calendar, click here.

  1. In the Branch Servicing field, use to select the branch that created the campaign. NOTE: Only campaigns created after the 2013 Q2 release are associated with branches. To find older campaigns, make sure that this field is set to <all>.

  2. The Employee ID field is used to search for campaigns that include the specified employee. If this is what you would like to do, enter the employee's ID number in the Employee ID field (note: partial numbers are not accepted). If you are not looking for a specific employee, leave this field blank.

  3. When you are satisfied with all your selections above, click the button.

  4. The Campaigns Grid displays the results of your search.

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Cancelling Without Searching

To close the Campaign Look Up window without searching for a Campaign, click the close (x) button in the upper right corner of the window.

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