E-mail Lookup Home Ribbon > Quick Look Up Group > E-mail |
There are three options on the E-mail Lookup window:
On the E-mail Lookup window, make sure that:
Status, Campaign Type, Activity Type, or Assigned Role are set to <all>
Sent Dates, Received Dates, Keywords, Assigned SSR and Created By are blank
Solicitations is selected, but not checked (it should have a small box inside the checkbox)
Search Type is set to "Any of these words"
Fuzzy Search can be selected or deselected.
and click the button.
The E-mails Grid displays the results of your search.
In the Status field, use to select the status of the E-mail for which you are searching. Options are: Draft (E-mail created, but saved as a draft and not sent), Error (attempted to send E-mail, but an error occurred preventing the email from being sent), Scheduled (E-mail scheduled to be sent at a later date/time), and Sent (E-mail sent out sometime in the past). If you are not looking for a specific status, select <all>.
In the Campaign Type field, use to select the campaign type associated with the E-mail for which you are searching. The options in the drop-list are user-defined and can be changed by using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality. If you are not looking for a specific campaign type, select <all>.
In the Activity Type field, use to select the activity associated with the E-mail for which you are searching. The options in the drop-list include all activities that can be associated with an E-mail. If you are not looking for a specific activity type, select <all>.
You can search e-mails by the name of the staffing service rep assigned or the role that a staffing service rep played. If you want to search on an actual rep's name, click the Assigned SSR radio button and then use to open a Look Up Staffing Service Rep dialog and find the correct rep. If you want to search on a role, click the Assigned Role radio button and then use
to select the role played. NOTE: You can search either on SSR or Role, but not both.
In the Created By field, use to open a Look Up Staffing Service Rep dialog and find the correct staffing service rep that created the email. If you are not looking for a specific rep, select <all>.
In the Sent Date fields, use to select the date(s) on which the email was sent. If you want to search on a date range, select both a sent from (the first field) and a sent thru (the second field) date. If you want to search on e-mails sent after a certain date, select only a from date (first field). If you want to search on e-mails sent prior to a specific date, select only a thru date (second field). If you are not looking for a specific date or range of dates, leave both fields blank. For more information on using StaffSuite's calendar, click here.
In the Received Date fields, use to select the date(s) on which the email was received. If you want to search on a date range, select both a received from (the first field) and a received thru (the second field) date. If you want to search on e-mails received after a certain date, select only a from date (first field). If you want to search on e-mails received prior to a specific date, select only a thru date (second field). If you are not looking for a specific date or range of dates, leave both fields blank. For more information on using StaffSuite's calendar, click here.
The Solicitations checkbox contains three settings: checked, unchecked, and boxed. If you want to find ONLY solicitations, make sure there is a checkmark in the box. If you do not want to find ANY solicitations, make sure the box is empty. If you want to find, but not limit the search to, solicitations, make sure there is a tiny square in the box. Clicking on the box toggles it between checked, unchecked, and boxed.
In the Keywords field, enter any word(s) from the email for which you want to search. The system will search the campaign description, subject line, and message. If it finds any of the words listed, the system checks the Search Type field and displays hits based on:
Any of these words: Any E-mail containing any of the keywords entered will be found during the search. For example, if you enter "accountant, CPA", then any E-mail containing EITHER the word "accountant" or "CPA" will be considered "hits".
All of these words: Any E-mail containing all of the keywords entered will be found during the search. For example, if you enter "accountant, CPA", then only e-mails containing BOTH the words "accountant" and "CPA" will be considered "hits".
Exact Phrase: Any E-mail containing the exact words (in the same order) entered will be found during the search. For example, if you enter "Accounts Payable", only e-mails containing the phrase "Accounts Payable" will be considered "hits". If the E-mail contains the word "Accounts" and the word "Payable", but not in the exact phrase order, it will not be considered a "hit".
Without the Words: Any E-mail that does not contain any of the words listed will be found during the search. For example, if your enter "accountant, CPA", then only e-mails containing NEITHER the word "accountant" nor "CPA" will be considered "hits".
Words Near Each Other: Any E-mail containing the words listed in close proximity to each other will be found during the search. For example, if you enter "accountant, CPA", then only e-mails containing BOTH words in close proximity to each other will be considered "hits".
Advanced Expression: If you are familiar with Oracle's search language, you can enter a full Oracle search statement in the Keywords field and the system will look for "hits" based on the search statement. NOTE: If you enter an Oracle search statement, you MUST select this option in the Search Type field. Otherwise, StaffSuite will try to search on all the words and symbols included in the Oracle search.
If you are not interested in looking for specific keywords, leave the Keywords field blank.
The Fuzzy Search field determines whether the keyword search looks for the exact word entered or for words that are spelled almost like the word entered. If this box is blank, then the word in the E-mail must match exactly the word in the Keywords field. If this box is checked, the word in the E-mail must be similar to the word in the Keywords field. Fuzzy searching is helpful for finding words that are slightly misspelled. For example, if the E-mail has the word "Accont" and the keyword is "Account", a fuzzy search will see the word "Accont" as a "hit". A non-fuzzy search would record it as a miss.
When you are satisfied with all your selections above, click the button.
The E-mails Grid displays the results of your search.
To close the Lookup E-mail window without searching for an E-mail, click the close (x) button in the upper right corner of the window.
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